SAP XI Online Training
Module I
- Introduction to integration
- Introduction to EAL-B2B and B2c
- Overview Of EAT
Module II
- Introduction to SAP Net Weaver
- People integration
- Introduction to Integration
- Process Integration
- Information Integration
- Modules in SAP NetWeaver
Module III
- Components in SAP XI
- Design Time Components
- Â Administrative and monitoring components
- Runtime Components
- Architecture of XI
Module IV
- Archating Products
- Technical System
- Business System
- Software Components
- Usage dependencies
Module V
- Integration Repository
- Configuring mapping objects
- Interface mapping
- Message mapping
- Configuring interface objects
- Defining Message interfaces
- Architecture
Module VI
- Integration Directors
- Creation’s Logical Routing
- Agreements
- Architecture
- Creating configuring collaboration
- Configuring collaboration profiles
Module VII
- Adapter communication
- File
- Proxy communication
- Java Proxy sever Administration
Module VIII
- Business processed Management
- Message steps Receive send Transformation
- BPM Scenarios
- Designing integration process
- Workflow steps
- Flow steps (Switch Fork Block Control.)
Module IX
- Integration Scenarios
- File to DOC
- ABAP proxy to IDoc
- File to RFC
- File to file
- BPM Scenarios (2)
Module X
- Runtime Work bench
- End -to-End Monitoring
- Cache Monitoring
- Components monitoring
- Performance Monitoring
- Message monitoring