Android Online Training
Getting Started
- Overview of Android and Android SDK
- Getting to know your Android development environment
- Writing your first Android application
- Running and debugging your application
- Working with Android simulator
- Test your application on device
Android Applications - The Big Picture
- Android architecture
- Android application model
- Overview of Android application building blocks
- Application design guidelines
- Application lifecycle
Building User Interface
- Overview of Android's view structure
- Android built-in layouts
- Defining a layout in XML
- Android built-in Views
- Event handling
- Building custom views and layouts
Building Android Applications
- AndroidManifest.xml file - the control file
- Building activities
- Building intents
- Building and using services
- Notifications
- Building and using content providers
Data Stores
- Overview of storing, retrieving, and exposing data
- Preferences
- Files
- SQLite Databases
- ContentProviders
- Data access over the network
Android Security Model
- Overview of Android security architecture
- Signing application packages
- User IDs and access control
- Using, declaring and enforcing permissions
- URI permissions
Resources and I18N
- Overview of resources in Android
- Creating resources
- Using resources
- Drawable resources
- Animation resources
- Using resources for different languages
Android Media API
- Playing audio/video
- Media recording
Building Location Based Applications
- Where am I
- LocationManager
- Integrate with GoogleMap
Interprocess Communication with AIDL
- Overview of Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL)
- Defining the interface
- Implementing an interface
- Exposing the interface
- Invoking IPC methods Parameter passing